Node Library

To authenticate and use your app with the IDPartner API, install the node-idpartner node module.

To create an OAuth Confidential Client using the IDPartner APIs we created a node module which makes it easy to get going quickly.


To install the module using NPM:

npm install @idpartner/node-oidc-client

Or Yarn:

yarn add @idpartner/node-oidc-client


Include the @idpartner/node-oidc-client module within your script and instantiate it with a config:

const IDPartner = require('@idpartner/node-oidc-client');

const rawJWKS = fs.readFileSync('jwks.json');
const jwks = JSON.parse(rawJWKS);
const idPartner = new IDPartner({
  client_id: '128ecf542a35ac5270a87dc740918404',
  callback: '',

To generate a JWKS you can use service to generate a key pair for signing and encryption or use node-jose library

For example:

const jose = require('node-jose');

const keyStore = jose.JWK.createKeyStore();
keyStore.generate('RSA', 2048, { alg: 'RSA-OAEP', enc: 'A256CBC-HS512', use: 'enc' }));
keyStore.generate('RSA', 2048, { alg: 'PS256', use: 'sig' }));
const JWKS = keyStore.toJSON(true);

Instantiating a IDPartner instance without a config object will result in an error


Set up your IDPartner as above and pass the following configuration options in:

  client_id: 'Your application's client ID',
  callback: 'The location you want the app to return to on success',
  jwks: 'Private/public keys used to verify and decrypt any JSON Web Token (JWT) issued by the identity provider authorization server
const express = require('express'),
  router = express.Router(),
  IDPartner = require('@idpartner/node-oidc-client');

const rawJWKS = fs.readFileSync('jwks.json');
const jwks = JSON.parse(rawJWKS);

const idPartner = new IDPartner({
  client_id: 'mXzJ0TJEbWQb2A8s1z6gq',
  callback: '',

router.get('/jwks', (req, res, next) => {
  const jwks = await idPartner.getPublicJWKs();

router.get('/auth', (req, res, next) => {
  const scope = ['openid', 'email', 'profile'];
  req.session.idp_proofs = idPartner.generateProofs();
  const authorizationUrl = await idPartner.getAuthorizationUrl(req.query, req.session.idp_proofs, scope);

router.get('/auth/callback', (req, res, next) => {
  const { idp_response_code } = await idPartner.unpackProxyResponse(req.query);
  const claims = await, req.session.idp_proofs);
  return res.send(claims);


A helper method to generate a state, nonce and codeVerifier which is used for validating the Identity response and protecting against cross-site request forgery(CSRF) attacks

  state: 'b6P4_eFMVTx_CFznmaHj9geXQUVm_z-xa8QgEmHEdNE',
  nonce: 'PVShAu4ZMyfPd6zV-GitTmu-yi3TFxPJhCjv8wjyweY',
  codeVerifier: 'Ek8FS-7c3AqTA-rPzF9c8-acO_-Mg4J3hpiKEzKllpc'


Creates an authorization url with a signed JWT (using the private key in the JKWS). Since IDPartner implements the authorization code flow you should redirect to this URL.

Example response


Returns the identity provider the user selected from the selector and the JWT code response from the issuer. The identity_provider object contains information about the provider and Know Your Business credentials that you can perform additional verification before request the consented claims. The idp_response_code is the signed and encrypted JWT containing the code used to exchange for identity claims

Example response:

 name: "Chase bank",
 issuer_url: ""


Returns the consented identity details

An example data object:

    sub: "2b6a41ea-9c23-4cd2-8795-db1010f1899e",
    email: "",
    family_name: "John",
    given_name: "Doe",
    aud: "mXzJ0TJEbWQb2A8s1z6gq",
    exp: 1664947625,
    iat: 1664944025,
    iss: ""

Last updated